Saturday, February 5, 2011

Club idea

Hey girls! I am thinking of starting a 'club' not sure what to call it yet but the basic idea is : let's meet once a month and hang out doing whatever it is we like to do (eg knitting, crochet, card making, cross stitch, needlepoint, spinning(yarn-not bikes!) we could share recipes, parenting strategies ( not my expertise!) We could meet at our own homes on a rotating basis and make it a potluck so no one has hostessing solely on their shoulders. I would also like to take a small collection (maybe $2 or something) each month and when we have collected enough, donate it to a charity on behalf of our club. I was talking to Shawna today and she is in, so what does every one else think? Let me know if you are interested! - Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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